
The 沃拉沃拉大学 学生手册和行为准则 provides current and prospective WWU students with an overview of social, 物理, 和世界大学的精神生活. 学生 living in either a residence hall or in the community are 鼓励d to use the handbook to become familiar with their rights and responsibilities as members of the WWU community.

通过注册课程, each student pledges acceptance of and full cooperation with university policies as 状态d in this handbook, 行为准则, WWU公告, 正如官方宣布的那样. 学生的行为, 无论是校内还是校外, 遵守和反映沃拉沃拉大学的价值观.

访问ors to the university are asked to cooperate with university policies while on campus. 沃拉沃拉大学 welcomes visitors whose conduct while on campus is in accordance with these policies.


  • 学生手册
  • 学生行为准则
  • 毒品和酒精政策
  • 不当性行为及性别歧视政策
  • 申诉政策
  • 好撒玛利亚人/大赦政策


Policies outlined in the 学生手册和行为准则 apply to all current students, 不管他们是否在澳门线上博彩官网的校园里. Student are considered "current students" if they are enrolled for an upcoming term at 沃拉沃拉大学. 

From the point allegations are made the student conduct administration immediately begins an investigation of the allegations. Investigations involving multiple incidents or individuals may take longer to process. The student conduct administration and Student Conduct Board aim to conduct all investigations in a timely manner and notify students of any sanctions as soon as determinations are made. 根据pg. 48 of the Code of Conduct: “by no later than 10 days after conclusion of the Student Conduct Board hearing, the Student Conduct Board shall issue a written decision with respect to each of the written charges and any sanctions to be imposed as provided for below.”  

根据pg. 48 of the 学生手册和行为准则: "The Student Conduct Board’s decision shall be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the accused student violated the 学生行为准则." This means that the student conduct administrator and Student Conduct Board have determined, 根据收集到的信息, that it is more likely true than not true (more than 50 percent likely) that the 学生行为准则 has been violated. Admissible evidence may include direct evidence (such as photos or videos) as well as circumstantial evidence. Circumstantial evidence refers to information that reasonably infers something has occurred.  

The policies and processes outlined in the 学生手册和行为准则 apply equally to all undergraduate and graduate students on all five 沃拉沃拉大学 campuses. The Student Conduct Board implements the same investigation and sanction process regardless of a student's position or status. 

学生手册和行为准则每年进行审查和更新, 公布的政策适用于整个学年, 包括接下来的夏天. During their registration process students agree to abide by the policies in the 学生手册和行为准则. Updates to the 学生手册和行为准则 take effect in the academic term following the change —typically these changes are made during summer and therefore take effect in fall quarter, 当学生在注册过程中重申他们对澳门线上博彩官网政策的承诺时. 

沃拉沃拉大学表示 合规 with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (commonly referred to as FERPA) as amended. FERPA is a federal law that gives certain rights to students and protects the privacy of their records maintained by 沃拉沃拉大学. WWU does not release any specific information about student conduct investigations and/or sanctions according to FERPA requirements. 

学生生活 follows the practice that if a student is found by the Student Conduct Board to be responsible for violation of the 行为准则, 然后学生提出上诉, in most circumstances the student is considered to be in regular standing until the appeal process is complete and any sanctions issued are on hold until the outcome of the appeal is determined. 

澳门线上博彩官网致力于平衡, 健康的生活方式,允许人类最大可能的发展和成就. 为此,WWU坚持基督复临安息日会的标准, 教导 alcohol and drug use “undermines the social structure of nations and on the individual level often kills its victims or leads them into lives of crime.第二个基本信念是:“因为酒精饮料。, 烟草和不负责任地使用毒品和麻醉品对澳门线上博彩官网的身体有害, 澳门线上博彩官网要戒掉它们.” 

另外, WWU支持联邦政府, 状态, and local laws; among them, 禁止未满21岁的人饮酒或吸食大麻, 21岁及以上的人允许未成年人饮酒或吸食大麻. 

作为一个校园, we are committed to ensuring safe learning and living environments for our WWU family and community; specifically, 为了避免潜在的 与酒精有关的伤害和袭击. 因为澳门线上博彩官网对健康行为的承诺, 让澳门线上博彩官网的行为高尚, 并表现出负责任, 校园内外的诚实公民, 这所大学坚持支持无酒精饮料的政策, 无烟, 在世界大学的整个入学期间,学生必须保持无毒的生活方式. 


助理副校长/学生教务长办公室提供支持, 鼓励, 并指导沃拉沃拉大学的学生. 澳门线上博彩官网的目标是在困难时期吸引学生, 尊重他们, 同情, and empathy while encouraging students to learn and grow in their understanding of themselves and others.  除了, we aim to provide leadership opportunities and 鼓励s students to lend their talents and voice to their school, 他们的社区, 他们的教会, 和他们的世界.  

AVP/学生教务长作为赞助商 沃拉沃拉大学附属学生 (ASWWU),负责学生操守程序及行为干预小组(),负责监督 社区 出席, 校园安全,和 书院书院健康诊所 在澳门线上博彩官网的校园.